Monday, April 20, 2015

Public School

It was...

Finding weaves in bathroom stalls,
not understanding why one would wear it at all.

Doing hours of homework each night,
and sleeping turning into such a delight.

Giving sharpies a new purpose,
obscene pictures on every surface.

Awaiting the classroom bell
as if we could escape from hell.

Language out of the curriculum
vulgarity was a habit to succumb.

Personalities slick and wild
eighteen year-old acting as a child.

Freedom in the sense of thought,
but given the limits of knowledge we got.

Encouragement to be different and us,
but required to be same and thus:

No one wanted individuality,
more confusing than what needed be.

A student that would give some sass,
was least or most favorite of the class.

Learning to forget about the past
is really what makes friendships last.



  1. While other people wrote poems that described IB, I really enjoyed that you switched it up and did yours on public school in general. Believe it or not, there is a school outside of IB at Millbrook, and they do a lot of the same things we do. We all struggle with trying to express ourselves with our newfound freedom, but also being limited by our current location and circumstances, and while we may learn different things and have a heavier workload, there are more similarities than differences between IB and the rest of Millbrook.

    Paige, I know that you are one tough individual, and watching your injury unfold was honestly one of the scariest moments of my life. I'm so glad that everything worked out ok (well, as good as it could've turned out for how much pain you were in). Keep that toughness. Also, please keep your unique personality. Hanging out with you in class and whenever I ventured over to the Pole Vault pit has resulted in some of the most interesting, funnest, and funniest conversations I've ever had. I don't know what Hoss does to you guys, but all of you are super cool and I wonder if it's a part of your training. Also, please laugh. As often as possible. You know you have a unique laugh, and I think it's absolutely awesome. Good luck wherever you are going next year! I know you'll bring your next community the same joy and awesomeness you brought ours

  2. This post was very funny and true. The last 4 years we spent at Millbrook taught us a lot about different types of people and life lessons. Some lessons were as simple as figuring out how to get around slow people in the hallway others were as hard as not getting killed in Assassin. When we all go our separate ways and move on from Millbrook there is a lot of things that will be remembered and forgotten. I hope you have a great time in college and good luck with your knee!

  3. Great poem! First of all I totally agree with Matt, and I really liked how you wrote your poem about public school in general. The things you wrote about apply to all people, so it was good that you included everyone in public school. You found the similarities between IB and everyone else, the things that we all experience, and the things that make us the same. I also like that some lines of the poem were funny and some were serious, but they were all very true. You did a good job describing public school in your own way.

    P.S. I’m sad that we won’t be together next year, and I am really going to miss you!
