Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Dream?

The American Dream.  People from all around the world migrate the the land of opportunity to pursue a life of happiness.

The American Dream consists of a job, a white picket fence, happiness, and the freedom to make choices that will make one happy.  But I think the actual idea is the pursue of true happiness.  Everyone wants to be happy.  I don't have a doubt in my mind that people leave their countries to come to this one without a dream of being happy and the vision of the opportunity to be happy in the United States of America.

Wealth covers a wide range of ideas.  One could have material wealth and own all of the fancy products in the world, they could have vast emotional wealth and have all of the happiness in the world, or they could have both.  I think it is very difficult to obtain wealth from both sides of the spectrum.  I think the pursue of material wealth is more prominent in today's society as it is assumed that money = happiness.

As a society, I believe we focus on the rich and choose to forget about the impoverished.  We glorify the rich through the media, such as television and magazines.  We watch shows television shows about people who are famous for their wealth and not their talent.  I am not upset at giving a lot of attention to people who deserve it, whether through a successful acting or athletic career, but, as stated previously, I am upset that we give attention to those who have not earned it.  I believe that we need to give more attention to the little things we all do.

Poverty is kind of swept underneath the rug, in my opinion.  Nobody wants to identify the fact that we have poverty within the United States.  The issue of poverty is not as glamorous as Kim Kardashian having a baby, but it what matters most, the happiness of many, or one person having a baby?  Happiness is a part of the American Dream.  And if everyone pursues happiness in a way that does not infringe upon the happiness of others, then I do not see a problem with everyone being happy.

1 comment:

  1. I just read an article that was about how studies are being done that basically are trying to prove that those who live in poverty have smaller brains than those who are wealthy- crazy/is it really true?
